Open Your Arms, Sweetheart!

If you are looking to find a Christian relationship that is based on a foundation of unconditional love, Sweet Obedience Open Your Arms can help you achieve that. For those who may not be familiar with the book by Bill Gothard, it’s about a man (Gustavo Langone) who sat down under a tree and waited for God to heal him. He wanted to know if he did indeed have an endless future. After 10 days, his body felt like it was on fire and his soul felt as though it were going to explode, but God said he would be forgiven.

You can read more about the book at the website mentioned below. In the book, Bill tells how God has turned his relationship with his wife into a most unbreakable bond filled with unconditional love. God has poured His love and blessings on this couple throughout their marriage and now it’s time to let them experience all that God has done for them, because according to God, He will never leave them.

The book also explores the reasons why this man went into a prayerful state in the first place, which is crucial to any relationship based on faith. It also goes into explaining the relationship between the mind and the body as it relates to how God desires our relationship to be. This book does an excellent job of answering questions that many people have, concerning this ancient concept of love and relationships. I particularly liked the explanations of what happens when we do not receive the love and or attention we expect from others and how this affects and creates tension within the relationship.

The book does a good job of answering the question many have regarding what a relationship based on unconditional love actually is. Is it possible to have true love for someone and still have a relationship? Is true unconditional love possible? And if so, how can one maintain this kind of relationship? What does it really take and what is the biggest obstacle we face in having this kind of relationship? These are just some of the many great questions covered in Sweet Oblivion.

The book provides some fabulous relationship-based advice that can benefit both you and your spouse/ boyfriend/girlfriend. If you are looking for information regarding healthy relationships that work, this is the book for you. It is jam packed with the latest tips and techniques that are designed to help you get your love life back on track. Even if you are already in a relationship, this book will serve as a great reminder that you need to nurture and care for your relationship even more so if you are currently in a troubled one.

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There are many positive reviews regarding this book on several different love and relationship websites that you can check out. Many people are finding this to be a wonderful little guide. It provides a wealth of tried and true relationship-based advice that can benefit anyone regardless of what kind of relationship they are in. If you are looking for that one special way to get your relationship back on track, Sweet Oblivion by Debra Woolfe is definitely for you.